Podcast from the Past - Bonnie Guenther
Did you know that DJT's podcast originally premiered in 2009? Podcasts weren't as popular back then, but we do have some pretty cool podcasts in our archives! In this week's podcast from the past you will get to hear all about Bonnie Guenther, the former program supervisor for DJT.
Or listen on your preferred platform for podcast-
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-from-the-past-bonnie-guenther/id1546105438?i=1000512700229
Podbean: https://davenportjuniortheatre.podbean.com/e/podcast-from-the-past-bonnie-guenther/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0V6FOyUNEUUOrLRyBfgMnQ