Davenport Junior Theatre

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Before, During, and After: Nighswander Theatre Renovation 2017

In August of 2017, we closed the doors of Nighswander Theatre…

…only to reopen them a month later with a brand new look!

Get the behind the scenes scoop on our renovation with pictures before, during, and after.

Vibin’ with the 70’s

Get a load of those chairs! This is what our original seating looked like before the renovation.

The multi-color orange was actually inspired by the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, MN. The idea behind the different shade patterns was that looking out into the audience, the shadows made the audience always look like a full house.

While these chairs have definitely served their purpose over the years, it was time for a much needed upgrade!

Theatre Reno: in Progress

Fresh coat of paint? Check! Carpeting and seats removed? Check! Here’s a shot of our theatre mid-renovation.

We were so grateful to have reached (and surpassed) our fundraising goal, thanks to our amazing sponsors who believe in the impact Davenport Junior Theatre has on our community. We can’t thank all of you enough for your support!

Learn how you can become a sustaining member of DJT!

Now, ready to see the finished product?

What an Upgrade!

As much as we all love the old orange chairs, we think these look a little more up to date! Not to mention, they’re a lot more comfortable too.

Don’t believe us? You’ll have to come see a show on our Mainstage and give them a try!

But inside the theatre isn’t the only place that got a new look…

Box Office Reno: In Progress

Mid-renovation shot of our old lobby inside Nighswander. We didn’t make any drastic changes here, but still give it a fresh, updated look to match the rest of the theatre!

Ready to see the new and improved entrance to our theatre?

Box Office Reno: Complete

Looking good! We made a couple updates to the lobby including:

  • New paint

  • New carpets

  • Freshly stained doors

  • History plaques

  • And more!

“A Theatre to Last…”

Our Artistic Director, Daniel Sheridan, led the charge with many volunteers, donors, contractors, students and more to bring our renovation to life.

Once again, we are so grateful to have received the outstanding support from our sponsors. Without our members, families, alumni, and community, we couldn’t have completed this much needed renovation.

And now we have a theatre to last for generations to come!

Ready to see the space for yourself? Check out our current season here!